IMG-20160429-WA000       Today is Raptors’ Day at my children’s school.  Head-to-toe Raptors gear is encouraged, but if not, then any of the Raptors’ colours, past or present, are welcome.  I LOVE that!  As a parent, I think it gives the kids a chance to express themselves (albeit adhering to the theme).   I’m as excited for Theme Days as they are.  They FINALLY have a chance break out clothes that aren’t white and navy!  (They attend a “dress-code” school, but really we should call it what it is…it’s a uniform school.)

          As a teacher, I look forward to Theme Days at work whether it’s for Valentine’s Day, Chinese New Year, or Carnaval.  It breaks up the monotony of regular routines and we all need a little bit of that now and then.  For me, the best part is seeing how excited and creative the students get.  Crazy Hair Day?  I’ve seen rainbow-coloured mohawks, thirty mini-braids, and balloons weaved in.  PJ Day?   Donut-covered onesies…on sixth-graders!  Favourite Movie Character Day?  Batman hanging out with Princess Elsa while trailing behind the Ninja Turtles.  Oh yeah!  It’s like Halloween in spring.  Why not?

             Have a great weekend, everyone!  Raptors are going to finish it tonight.  🙂  Get your gear on.



         I’m not running up and down the court for 48 minutes, but doing errands and chasing my three kids around certainly works up a thirst.  My insane collection of water bottles run the gamut from Lululemon to Nike to S’well.  They are all BPA free, glass or metal, attractive, and easy to use.  However, they aren’t my Brita, and certainly not a Raptors Limited Edition.  Not only am I supporting my beloved team, but I am doing my part in making a positive contribution to the environment.  I’m also making a conscious effort of drinking several bottles of water a day in order to stay healthy.  Right now, I’m just dealing with my kids’ germs and the kids at the library or playdates.  Once I’m back at work, you know I will have all sets of germs flying at me from every which way and water is my best defence.

       Speaking of defence, did you see Game 5 on Tuesday night?  My Raptors didn’t have the best first three quarters, but their fourth quarter comeback is enough to make anyone a Raptors fan.   At most, we were down by 17 and we won by 3!  “We the Fourth”, anyone?

        If you are still not convinced that sporting a Raptors logo is for you, Brita has released several different colours to choose from such as rose, blue, or light blue with a floral pattern.  Each 700mL hard-sided bottle comes with a replaceable water filter and each filter can replace up to 300 plastic water bottles.  It is BPA free and dishwasher safe.  It is NSF certified to reduce chlorine (taste and odour) and particulate.

           Brita bottles (Raptors Limited Edition and others) are available at local retailers such as Canadian Tire, Costco, Loblaws, Target, and Walmart.  MSRP $19.99.   Filters are $7.99 MSRP.


It’s been a few years since I’ve worked on my blog so why not start fresh with a brand new host and domain name?  Welcome back to previous followers and a big HELLO to the new ones!  I’ve left behind and moved onto something (hopefully) bigger and better!

This blog will continue to focus on parenthood, family, and education.  In my previous blog, I focused on life as a new mommy.  I shared my experiences and gave my opinions (through the eyes of a new mom and teacher) about toys, foods, products, and events.  This time around, I will focus on the aspect of parenthood as a whole and incorporate more ideas involving my husband, whom I jokingly refer to as Hip Teacher Dada.  He is a teacher as well and as a father of three girls, I’m sure his concerns may be a bit different than my own.

Please join us as we explore the life of teaching, learning, and fun as a family of five.