flyerupdated     The Markham Fairgrounds have all things happening in fall it seems!  First, the upcoming fair and now, a more recent tradition called Kidapalooza brought to you by Ell Events Inc.  This is a great opportunity for you to celebrate family as it takes place over the Thanksgiving Day weekend.  I will post a full review once I visit the event myself, but I am definitely looking forward to it.  Kid-centric and with an expansion to the outdoors, I can’t wait to see all that Kidapalooza has to offer.

     Hip Teacher Mama is happy to present a Family Pack Giveaway (2 adults and 2 kids age 23 months and up).  Kids under 23 months are FREE.  To enter, simply do the following:

  1.  Like this post.  Tag friends for extra entries (1 friend = 1 entry).
  2.  Follow Hip Teacher Mama on Facebook or Instagram.
  3. Comment on “What do your kids prefer: inflatables or petting zoo?”
  4. Contests runs from September 28 to October 4, 2017.  Winner will be contacted by PM (please make sure you can get PMs on FB or IG) on October 5.

    You can also get a 25% discount with the promo code FALLFUN at for a limited time.

CONTEST: Markham Fair 2017

     markham fair

     Can you smell it?  Whatever “it” may be for you, it is coming and it’s in the air!  For me, it is the blooming onion!  For my girls, it’s the furry little farm animals and for Hip Teacher Dada, it’s the pies and other delectable treats!

     The Markham Fair is just around the corner and if you were ever curious about this annual local event, satisfy your curiousity!  Get your fill of delicious fair food, student crafts, local talent, and much more!

       Hip Teacher Mama is proud to host another ticket giveaway for her loyal followers.

To enter:

  1. Follow Hip Teacher Mama on Facebook AND Instagram.
  2. Comment with your favourite fair food.
  3. Winners will be selected at random by Sept. 26 and notified by personal message (please make sure your settings allow for PMs).
  4. For more entries, share the post and tag your friends.  You get one extra entry for every three friends you tag.  You also get a bonus entry if you follow me on WordPress.
  5. Contest runs from September 18 to September 25, 2017.  ONE winner will receive a family pass for 4 to be picked up at the Markham Fair.

Good luck and I hope to see you at the fair!

First Week of School: DONE


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How was everyone’s first week back to school?  Did you survive or are you reading this with a glass of wine in hand?  If it’s the latter, I don’t blame you.  Coming off an amazing summer, it’s hard to get back to the 8 – 5 pm routine.  (Yes, teachers don’t just do 9-3:30pm as some stereotypes suggest).  There’s getting to work early, getting to know the kids (memorizing their student number is my challenge), planning, daily checking that work is done, and the regular set-up and clean-up.

I actually had a pleasant first week.  My kids were quiet for the first few days (did I just jinx it) and I am hoping it will continue for the rest of the year.  They are mindful of the red-yellow-green light I use for noise and keep each other quiet once they see they’ve hit the yellow zone.  (I told them they don’t want to see what happens in red.)   Shocking, as my students last year usually had two noise levels: zombie silent or NBA finals loud.  On Friday morning after math though they started to crank their way up to food court level and I needed to remind them to be quiet and respectful of everyone’s learning environment.  It worked on a few, but not all, so the same speech will be repeated come Monday.

The classroom is pretty much the same as my helpers (now in Grade 7) have pointed out.  I’ve made little tweaks here and there, but for the most part, it’s a repeat of last year.  The new students have mentioned how they like the organization of the classroom and the inspirational quotes all around.  They like the Daily Special which is their schedule for the day.  They are happy with the Student Tools section so they can borrow a ruler or pencil crayons whenever they need.  They love the Starbucks cups washroom passes.  Sadly, a couple of students have already filled in a Homework Log which shows me that I need to help them work on responsibility.  My class was the first to hand in all their emergency forms yesterday which was amazing!

We have Curriculum Night next week so I can meet the fine parents of this group.  I’m sure the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.  I’ve got a bit of each this year as with every class.  Some are extremely hard workers and hard on themselves.  Some are silly and carefree.  Some need that extra attention and love.  I’m really happy with this group so far and I can’t wait to share the rest of the year with them.  Some mentioned in their journals that they were nervous about this year until they met me…eeek, that’s a lot of pressure. 🙂  Hope I can live up to their high standards and make it a great year for all.

Wishing everyone a terrific first weekend after back to school.  Go shopping, grab a bite, or simply put up your feet.  You did it!  Goooooo teachers!



Editor’s Pick: Halls Kids Vitamin C Pops and Cough and Sore Throat Pops


    It’s that time of year!  Back to school and germs are running rampant!  I take note of every cough or sneeze in the classroom only because it reminds me to chew on some Vitamin C’s during the day that are sitting on my desk. However, at school, my girls don’t have access to it other than during snack time in the form of a clementine.  Hence, they get a treat after school and build up their immune at the same time with the new Halls Vitamin C Pops.

     I’m not a big candy person and the girls are limited to their sweet treats so when I said they could have a lollipop out of the blue, they were ecstatic!  When they tried these, they couldn’t believe how great they looked AND tasted.  Scientists say that it is too late to pop Vitamin C when you are ALREADY sick so the best thing to do is to have a good immune system to begin with.  Can I convince the girls to suck on a lollipop a few times a week?  I’m pretty sure I can.  🙂  Now the only worry is that they’ll be all too happy to get sick because they know I have the Cough and Sore Throat Pops in the cupboard.

      Wishing everyone a happy first week back.  Stay healthy!