Girls’ Night In

It’s been a while since I’ve had time to write. With school planning and marking, three kids (two in rep sports), my articles for the kickboxing studio, and well, life, it’s been hard to find time. Ironically, I’m finding some time now as I host a six girl sleepover for my two older kids. LOL. They are upstairs packing up and I find myself having a few minutes where I’m not cleaning up or prepping a meal. Yay!

The most surprising thing about the sleepover was actually how the big girls included the younger ones. There were four Grade 6s and two Grade 4s and in my mind, the big girls would have NOTHING to do with their younger counterparts. Surprisingly, all six girls stuck together throughout their activities and it was great to see.

I wasn’t about to host a grand feast so a simple meal of pasta and meat sauce, garlic toast, and Caesar salad filled them up (at least for a while). It fueled them through a paint session as well as a couple hours of slime making. I seriously thought that trend would end by now, but with coloured glue and more glitter types (I hate that stuff), slime making seems to be all the rage. I popped down to the basement a few times organizing my own stuff and they were playing so well together. Sent down some snacks and they were happy to indulge. They had the music playing and I heard bits of conversation. I enjoyed my own quiet night of hot chocolate, bingeing Private Practice on Prime, and working on my bullet journal.

The hardest part of the night was trying to get the girls to go to bed at a decent hour. Hard to find the balance between a strict host and a too lenient one. One of the girls hadn’t slept over before and I didn’t want to push the limits too much. I told everyone lights out at midnight, but at 11:30pm, a few of the girls were hungry again so we heated up some pasta. They all came up and after I scared them once (that’s the hostess prerogative, ha ha), it seemed to be quiet around 12:30am. They told me this morning that they were chatting until 3am though some couldn’t last and slept at 1am. Ooops, bad hostess? Hopefully they can grab a nap so they count down to 2020! This morning was easy with a late breakfast and board games. They did some Tik Toks and soon noon rolled around for pick up.

I texted with my mom this morning and she remembers going to summer camp with her friends just before sixth grade. She said that was one of her happiest moments of her life. She is glad I could provide the same memories for our kids. It was fun to host and can’t wait for the next one because then I can see what they’re up to. I’m happy to have my kids out the door too though. Any volunteers?

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